Simple Truths of Service

Monday, June 17, 2013

Enjoy Canyon Views and Hilly Walks Around Borger

I have learned that when I say, "Texas Panhandle"--that many people immediately envision the miles of straight flat land often seen by travelers along major highways and the interstate. Unless travelers do some diligent research they will miss out on true, natural beauty of our TP; such as Alibates, McBride Canyon, or the canyon views from Lake Meredith (where we still have water in some areas:-) ).

More local and less renowned is the canyon horizon and views from the Borger Ambassador Inn headed towards Pampa and the Stinnett Hwy from North Borger. The starting point for the following measured hilly walks is Lorene's Kitchen.

I am close to losing 30lbs since November. In part, thanks to my 85 year old Coach, My Mother, Lorene. 
Use of the rebounder and exercise videos, mostly Leslie Sansone's, and occasional Richard Simmons. Then, I hit a weight stalemate. Very frustrating indeed.

I started measuring walks from 1 mi, then I would add more distance, then I started adding hills, then steeper inclines. The stalemate is broken! Yippee. 

It has been a LOT of work. But, by challenging myself I am now doing walks I would have never thought I could do. I learned to start from my point of capability and challenge myself just a wee bit more. Every time. So, now I have done my first 4 and 5 mile canyon walk climbs. Following are some of the walks I measured.

From Lorene's it is .7 miles to the turn to

If you walk on up to Riverview Baptist Church its another .3 miles. So, that alone could be a 2 mile round trip beginner walk with moderate hill challenge. 

If you continue walking Old Stinnett Highway to Chickasaw from the Riverview church turn it is a full mile, more challenging with hilly inclines. (From Lorene's to Chickasaw it is almost 2 miles)

If you turn around and head back from Chickasaw you will get in a good 4 mile walk with variable hilly inclines. It definitely gets the heart rate up. Following are some photos along this path.

When you get to Chickasaw you have the opportunity to challenge yourself with a steep incline.

Go South on 1559 up the hill past the yellow curb markers. that is exactly .5 miles. By the time you return to Lorene's it is just shy of 5 miles.

It gets easier. Sometimes the last mile of the way back I rely on past coaches in my head. There's Akila saying "Put one foot in front of the other". Bob Gravenstuk, saying--"Its just a little farther". I hear my mother saying, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me". I focus on making it to the next landmark. In a couple of weeks this walk will be too easy.
Flat country. Say What?

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